Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Good, The Bad and the Socially Unacceptable

The Good:
My children are wonderful. Really. I mean we all have our flaws, but they're just the right amount of "goofy" compounded with a healthy dose of "cute."
They are playing together much more readily these days and enjoying it! Two words...Star Wars. The battle for dominion over the galaxy is waged in my home at least once a day. And here's the great thing about it...the good guys ALWAYS win!
We are having more play dates from first grade class members. Boy Scouts rock! Little League is starting, the kind where they really hit the ball. And Spring is almost here! Say it with me; "Outdoor play!"

The Bad:
I have a "Drama King." Now, most six-year-olds are not characterized by their "balanced emotional outlook" on social situations, but the model I have paints EVERYTHING in extremely vivid hues. Consequently, most of my time on the drive home from school is spent adding some midtones in to balance out the daily picture.
And the youngest hates school. Things were fine until he turned four and they moved him to the four-year-old room. Now he cried everyday when Doug drops him off and he's been known to run after him even into the parking lot! When asked why he doesn't like his new class he simply responds over and over again, "I just want to stay a little bit." I am open to advice.

The Socially Unacceptable:
There, I've said it. I can't rid my house of the deliberate burp. I understand the involuntary bodily function we all experience from time to time, but the act of which I am now speaking is definitely planned.
Hands in pants.
Another habit I can't seem to deter no matter how many "gentle" prompts are given. Even not so gentle ones are usually ineffective. But, I know at some point the fact that peers will stop doing the same thing will be a greater influence than my meager appeals and that habit, at least, should go away. I think the burp may be here to stay.

1 comment:

Weekly Rant said...

I think the burping is here to stay. And for the record it's not just a boy thing. My girls think that nothing on earth is more funny than gas.