Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Anyone else hate those 'I'm There' State Farm commercials...

I don't have anything pithy to say about it, except I loathe it like a Dockers commercial...

I secretly dream that the big circle they are inexplicably standing on is a type of black hole that will suck them and their stupid ass lives off my TV screen.


Weekly Rant said...

Now why in the world would you be watching commercials when you've got DVR? :)

Weekly Rant said...

That was me, Lara, by the way, if you couldn't tell.

Weekly Rant said...

Point well taken. The answer is sadly that there is a TV in the room where my computer is that does not have DVR. The girls use it to watch cartoons and are famous for leaving it on and torturing me with stupid ass Hannah Montana shit. And State Farm commercials!