Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Esther: Bumper Stickers Help Angry People Feel They've Had Their Say

I never really thought about it before, but while I was reading the hatchback of a Subaru Legacy on my way out to Hamburg on Sunday, I realized what a public service bumper stickers really are.

I mean, you take this guy I was following. I counted 15 bumper stickers on the back of his car, leaving just enough space for the rear window. They all made rather definitive statements about his political, moral and economic opinions...some of them even used BOLD type to EMPHASIZE a word, phrase or name. Obviously, this man had a lot to say and wanted the world to hear it.

And then it hit me. Without bumper stickers, this man would have to stop everyone he saw and yell all of this information at them. I mean, how much time would something like that take?

Thanks to bumper stickers, we can all share our thoughts and opinions about deeply personal and political issues with complete strangers in cars around us. And the real beauty of it is, we never have to say a word to them. Is that some kind of public service or what?

1 comment:

Weekly Rant said...

Do you ever read the stickers and then speed up to get a look at the driver. There have been times I'd swear that the guy just bought the car with that stuff on there because no WAY does he feel that strongly about Darfur!!